miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Talking about Education

The main purpose of this blog is to try to convince all readers and all hearings that there is a real need to create an education system that allows substantially improving the quality of education. The problem is not only concerning to some countries considered as "developing", but it is a situation that affects even the world's richest countries, the U.S. being one of them.

For me it is hard to believe, why if all schools teach the same topics and the same subjects, why all teachers use a different method to teach? Imagine that Coca Cola company unexpectedlly would use a recipe to make your favorite soda as well known in America, but they would use a completely different recipe to make your soda in Mexico, and thus a different preparation in each of the countries where it operates. For sure it will not be Coca Cola Company anymore.

In that sense, what I propose here is the creation of a standardized system of education. It allows all teachers in all subjects, regardless of the school in which they teach, to have the same information and the same strategies to teach. I want to develop a guidebook for every teacher that shows the right way in which the topics have to be taught. A manual that includes jobs, tasks, explanations, projects and activities that contribute to the full development of the class.

My job here is to propose ideas or teaching methods that I have developed, and have shown excellent results in the classroom. The justification for each of them and many more topics are contained in my book, “How, Why? And, what for? Standardize Education.”  (Available only in Spanish)

Here you will also find advice or recommendations that will help improve your classes, and of course interesting articles that will try to convince you of how effectively the proposal to standardize education, is a real alternative to solve  the issues surrounding education.

Therefore, I recommend you to constantly entering this blog and see the articles, ideas and teaching methods that will upload to this medium as time passes. Also, I ask for your collaboration in writing comments, questions or suggestions to feed this blog every day. I want this place to be one of the most important tools to use in our classrooms.